Getting Started

The following materials are all free, and while you can adapt or make your own, these have been designed with core study principles in mind for effectiveness and depth. Additionally, these are referenced directly in the timelines for each week, and failing to use them may result in you not getting everything you can out of this course.


How to download the pages below as a PDF to print:

  1. Log in with your Notion Account
  2. Click the three-dot menu (⋮) in the top-right corner
  3. Select Export → PDF
  4. Upload the PDF </aside>

Term Note-Taking Sheet

Go For Glass Scoring Sheet

Element Study Sheet

Post-Exam Reflection

PI Study Sheet

How To Increase Difficulty

Week 1 Lecture / Notes


Not posted yet. Lecture March 7, 2025. → sign up here for the lecture.


Week 1 Lecture

Week 1 Tasks


You should complete all Top Priority tasks across Studying, Structured Completion, and Application before you move on to Mid Priority tasks. The same logic applies to moving from Mid Priority to Low Priority. Any Time tasks can be completed, well, any time.


Structured Completion
